Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Major UI Update
You might have noticed some changes to your account.
We are actively listening to your feedback and requests and they have been guiding our production roadmap. In this update, we've completely redesigned the navigation of your interface to lay the foundation for some major new updates coming in the next few months.
You asked for it! Now, you can show or hide share buttons and social media icons on your shared folders and files. You can find the option under your site's new "Theme Customization" tab.
Some users may have been encountering errors loading folders with a large number of files with metadata. We have implemented a fix and will be updating the API to better support pagination, sorting, and large amounts of metadata.
We have also enhanced the file browser for your sites to focus on simple navigation and file management and in preparation for the addition of Storage (available in Q4 2020).
You can now add a "favicon.ico" file to your site root folder to make it show up in the browser tab of your shared site. These files will be hidden from your image gallery and file listings when you share a folder with Fancy Indexing enabled.

Custom Theme Colors are here, that means you can now completely customize the color scheme of your sites and all of the components of the automatic folder sharing pages.
To get started, click the "Customize" button on your site pages...

Then click the gray square under the default colors themes to create a new theme of your own. Try it out and let us know what you think!

✨ File Hosting Customization 🎨
New in this version of - File Hosting Customization! Now, you can customize your file hosting site with your logo, background image, color scheme (full color customization coming soon), and add descriptions and cover images to all of your folders. Premium and Business customers can now also remove all branding.

✨ Auto-Generated Sharing Images
In addition to customizing your site pages, your customizations are also applied to automatically generated "meta images" which will be picked up when you share your links on social networks or via messengers.
Here's what it looks like in Apple iMessage:

Or Twitter:

#✨ Custom Short URLs
At the risk of getting lost in the mix, we also release the ability for you to create custom "short" URLs for your content. For example, is also accessible at - MUCH shorter and better for sharing. Right now, this only works on folders, but it's coming to files soon too

That's it for now! Much more coming soon.