✨ File Hosting Customization 🎨
New in this version of Fast.io - File Hosting Customization! Now, you can customize your file hosting site with your logo, background image, color scheme (full color customization coming soon), and add descriptions and cover images to all of your folders. Premium and Business customers can now also remove all Fast.io branding.

✨ Auto-Generated Sharing Images
In addition to customizing your site pages, your customizations are also applied to automatically generated "meta images" which will be picked up when you share your links on social networks or via messengers.
Here's what it looks like in Apple iMessage:

Or Twitter:

#✨ Custom Short URLs
At the risk of getting lost in the mix, we also release the ability for you to create custom "short" URLs for your content. For example, is also accessible at - MUCH shorter and better for sharing. Right now, this only works on folders, but it's coming to files soon too

That's it for now! Much more coming soon.